Neck pain, back pain, lower back pain, and spine pain can be excruciating. When faced with one or more of these issues, it can really make every task feel like such a mission. At Florida Pain Center, we specialize in understanding and treating pain without invasive surgery techniques. When the spine is under injury or stress, the distribution of pain can sometimes branch out, like tree roots, feeding pain to multiple different areas of the body and causing great distress.
Surgery is usually everybody’s last choice, if possible. We prefer to treat without undergoing surgery and offer multiple different treatment options that have the ability to heal the excessive hurt so many Americans suffer from. Many people think that surgery is the only way to achieve long lasting results, but this simply isn’t the case. One option we offer for pain relief is Facet joint injections. These help by releasing steroids into the part of the body that is producing pain, allowing for inflammation to decrease. Occasionally, treatments are good partnered with other options such as a physical therapy. Combining these two together creates a force for pain to be reckoned with. Facet joint injections also help to understand our specialists where your pain is coming from. If the treatment seems to work, then this means that the source of discomfort has been found, and can continue to be efficiently treated.
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Spinal pain can also be caused by injuries. One of our natural healing treatments is plasma enriched protein. This means that we take a blood sample, which is then taken to separate the platelet-rich cells. These cells are then injected into the area that is causing the pain. Our bodies are often times our best healers, and when healthy platelet-rich cells are concentrated to a specific area, healing can occur quicker.
At Florida Pain Center, we offer many forms of noninvasive treatments such as IDET, Spectracell Nutritional Testing, Celiac Plexus Block, Cervical Epidural Steroid Injections, Trigger Point Injections, Nucleoplasty, and many more. We know how painful spinal related aches and injuries can be, and we understand that not everybody wants surgeries or an extensive list of harmful painkillers. Treating your pain naturally and noninvasively is certainly the way to go. If you’re searching for noninvasive spine procedures in Pompano Beach, our pain management doctors at Florida Pain Center are the specialists for you. With 15 years of experience, we understand chronic aches and pains, and we also know exactly how to help, getting you back to normal and pain free.
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